Saturday, September 24, 2011

Think Beyond the Difficulty

 The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; 
It is when you don't understand yourself.

This is a quote from Mary Morrissey. "Think beyond the pain. Think beyond the difficulty. Commit to having one good idea every day. What new idea will you claim today?"

I was recently working with a client who could not think beyond the problem. I was not willing to engage with him on all the reasons he came up with as to why he couldn't get through his pain. I kept encouraging him to think beyond the difficulty but all he could do was come up with more excuses.

After thinking about it for a week he came back and said, "I have a new perspective on my situation". He discovered as long as he was focusing on the pain, he couldn't focus on anything else. Once he cleared his mind of all the reasons he couldn't and focused on a new idea, the rest was easy.

What do you see as your good today? Claim it and be grateful.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Are You Limiting Your Limits?

George Bernard Shaw said that, Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

For many years I was on a journey to find myself. But what was there to find? Within me was everything I needed to succeed. I discovered that within me is the seed of creation and the only thing I need to do is get out of my own way!

When I got that we live in a creative universe I was able to let go of an identity that didn't serve me, I began to settle into a larger more expansive sense of self, a self  that is not afraid to step up to the plate and live full out.

Letting go of your identity can be very scary but often the self you've been identifying with wants to hang on to the familiar. Somewhere along the way you made an agreement that it's OK to engage in the same old same old.

Ask yourself this. Is staying in this place of familiarity limiting me or is it giving me life? What can I do today to move into a different mindset?  What can I do today that will free me from the conversations going on in my mind about lack and limitation? What is one thing that I can do today that will release me from __________. Fill in the blank and take action and begin to create a new self.

Now Go and Have a Great Day!

Monday, September 19, 2011

What’s Your Story?

There were so many times in my life when I had a dream and a voice inside my head said; what are you thinking? That voice calls itself the voice of Reason. It’s not a friendly voice, as a matter of fact it’s rather snippy! Although Reason wanted to protect me from going off and getting into something that would not be in my best interest, it often held me back from stepping into my greatness. Reason felt safe playing small. 

  • What is the voice of Reason saying to you that keeps you from creating what you truly want in your life? 
  • How many reasons are there as to why your dream is stupid, crazy, and impossible?

Now take a good look at the stories you tell yourself and you’ll more than likely find it very fascinating!

Friday, September 16, 2011

What Would You Change?

If you had magic wand what would you change in your life? Think about it for a moment, if you could change ANYTHNG what would it be? Would it be your financial situation, your relationship, your health?

I'm here to say that you do have a magic wand and it's your imagination. Stay with me can change the circumstances in your life.

In the next few weeks I will be giving you some tools to help you explore those areas in your life that either need a major over haul or a little tweaking.

Step 1
  • The first thing to do is to get really clear about what you want to change.Pick one area for now and write down what you want in the form of an intention. For example you can say; it is my intention to create harmony with my teenage daughter. 
  • Then use your imagination to create a scenario of what that would look like. Avoid putting in what you don't want. Just let yourself go for it. 
  • Keep a journal and have fun!
    Come back  Monday for the next step.

    Peace and Blessings
    Anna Marie