Thursday, September 22, 2011

Are You Limiting Your Limits?

George Bernard Shaw said that, Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

For many years I was on a journey to find myself. But what was there to find? Within me was everything I needed to succeed. I discovered that within me is the seed of creation and the only thing I need to do is get out of my own way!

When I got that we live in a creative universe I was able to let go of an identity that didn't serve me, I began to settle into a larger more expansive sense of self, a self  that is not afraid to step up to the plate and live full out.

Letting go of your identity can be very scary but often the self you've been identifying with wants to hang on to the familiar. Somewhere along the way you made an agreement that it's OK to engage in the same old same old.

Ask yourself this. Is staying in this place of familiarity limiting me or is it giving me life? What can I do today to move into a different mindset?  What can I do today that will free me from the conversations going on in my mind about lack and limitation? What is one thing that I can do today that will release me from __________. Fill in the blank and take action and begin to create a new self.

Now Go and Have a Great Day!

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