Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Path of Self Discovery

I have been on the path of self-discovery for most of my life and have found that one of the most critical topics to investigate is the question; “What do I really want?” For some it may be a warm bed and three meals a day, for others it may be to amass a fortune, others it may be optimum health. But what it basically boils down to is being happy.

When we start on the path of personal exploration we develop skills to overcome some of the difficulties in life. Wonderful things begin to happen, we start manifesting our good, a relationship, we complete projects, get healthy or we get that “perfect” job. We get our lives in order and start having some fun, it's like moving the furniture of life around and this new arrangement suits us. Just when we think we have command of our lives, we discover that we’re not totally satisfied, after all there are only so many places we can put the sofa!

Can you relate to this? When you think you’ve got your life handled, things start to slow down or even fall apart and you find you’re anything but satisfied. Your life doesn't feel much different than when you first started doing the work and you realize that it can get a little tiring moving the furniture around from week to week.

In our culture the emphasis is on things outside ourselves, a good job, solid relationships,a  nice body, and all the stuff that we can acquire. Make no mistake about it; some of these things are important and good, very good. However, the thing to realize is, what we’re really wanting  is happiness, peace and harmony. We want to be prosperous and share our gifts with the world. Yet the last place we tend to look for these qualities of life is within. What we do is look for the outside things to bring us what we already have.

Happiness comes from the inside; joy is a quality that already exists within us.  As we expand from the inner to the outer life we can say that the ultimate goal is complete emancipation from all discord. Think about what brings you happiness and if you didn’t have that thing or experience could you still find joy? Explore this question and see what you come up with.


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