Saturday, November 10, 2012

Finding Your Center

I have always liked to doodle shapes and patterns. It began in elementary school when I started my doodles with a triangle, I would tease it out, repeat the pattern and stack them together side by side. I would slip in a circle or square here and there and then build on that particular motif. By the end of the school year my books would be covered with these designs. It wasn’t until this past September, some 50 years later; I discovered that the type of doodling is called Zentangles! The repetitive patterns created from a single starting point helped me to focus and relax and became a daily ritual.

The limitless designs and patterns that come from art and nature have always inspired me and have become a form of self-expression and spiritual transformation. I still draw Zentangles, but somewhere along the way I discovered the mandala. It seems as if mandalas have always been a part of my esthetic, they are stunning pieces of art that have a deep and profound meaning in my life.

If you found this blog because of your interest in the mandala, you may know that the word mandala is ancient Sanskrit for circle; however it is both the circle and the center. The center or the bindu, is the convergence point of meditation, contemplation and prayer, it is part of the mystical, impenetrable aspect of many, if not most religions and meditative traditions.

Many spiritual traditions use the mandala as a form of transformation. In Tibetan Buddhism the mandala is a kind of map of the universe. Mandala’s are used by native Americans in healing rituals. The labyrinth in The Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres is a mandalic pattern used as a tool for meditation. The rose stained glass windows found in other European Gothic Cathedrals demonstrate the intricate patterns of the mandala.

Hildegard of Bingen painted incredibly intricate mandala’s and used them as a way to be closer to God through prayer and meditation. Carl Jung saw the mandala as “a representation of the unconscious self” and encouraged his patients to work through emotional disorders by creating personal mandalas.

It is my intention to bring the mandala into everyday modern life. I’ve created hundreds of mandalas digitally using original photos I’ve taken of nature, works of art, various objects, lights, and whatever else can be photographed.

I invite you to explore the complexity and the simplicity of the mandala, allow it to transform you as you explore the center of your being. I will lead you on a journey of discovery as you allow the mandala to take you deeper into your soul.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Path of Self Discovery

I have been on the path of self-discovery for most of my life and have found that one of the most critical topics to investigate is the question; “What do I really want?” For some it may be a warm bed and three meals a day, for others it may be to amass a fortune, others it may be optimum health. But what it basically boils down to is being happy.

When we start on the path of personal exploration we develop skills to overcome some of the difficulties in life. Wonderful things begin to happen, we start manifesting our good, a relationship, we complete projects, get healthy or we get that “perfect” job. We get our lives in order and start having some fun, it's like moving the furniture of life around and this new arrangement suits us. Just when we think we have command of our lives, we discover that we’re not totally satisfied, after all there are only so many places we can put the sofa!

Can you relate to this? When you think you’ve got your life handled, things start to slow down or even fall apart and you find you’re anything but satisfied. Your life doesn't feel much different than when you first started doing the work and you realize that it can get a little tiring moving the furniture around from week to week.

In our culture the emphasis is on things outside ourselves, a good job, solid relationships,a  nice body, and all the stuff that we can acquire. Make no mistake about it; some of these things are important and good, very good. However, the thing to realize is, what we’re really wanting  is happiness, peace and harmony. We want to be prosperous and share our gifts with the world. Yet the last place we tend to look for these qualities of life is within. What we do is look for the outside things to bring us what we already have.

Happiness comes from the inside; joy is a quality that already exists within us.  As we expand from the inner to the outer life we can say that the ultimate goal is complete emancipation from all discord. Think about what brings you happiness and if you didn’t have that thing or experience could you still find joy? Explore this question and see what you come up with.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is There a Fire in Your Belly?

Some people are aware of their passions early in life or a gift we have might surface later and become a passion.

When I was in college I took piano lessons, it was short lived. I have passion for music but was not so passionate about practicing the piano. At one point in the semester my teacher invited me to a concert to hear a twelve year old prodigy. When he came on stage and sat down at the piano I noticed that his feet barely touched the peddles, yet he play a most difficult piece of music with a fire in his belly. The passion with which he played, his enthusiasm and spirit were awe inspiring.

Years later our paths crossed again this time in a very different setting. I had gone on to work in a cancer research lab and my boss’s boss was this young piano player’s father.  We were at a party and I remember sitting on the steps talking about how I had seen him in concert several years prior. I said if I were to come back into this life again I would want to be able to express myself musically with the kind of passion he displayed. The irony was that he wanted to be doing the work that I was doing. He wanted to find a cure for cancer!

How do we follow our dreams when we are gifted in many areas? I am passionate about music, it moves me, it soothes me, it takes me to another dimension of my soul, yet I do not play an instrument. I indulge in musical pleasure as often as I can and share this passion with others. I have other passions as well that are fulfilling and I continue to share my gifts and talents with others.

Think about what makes your heart sing and find a way to explore how to bring that thing you are passionate about to fruition. When you do, you’ll find a fire in your belly, then go out and share your gifts and talents with others.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What is Your Passion?

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt

We are still at the beginning of this brand new baby year. I took a little break from blogging in order to get more focused on how I am turning the pages of 2011 and moving into 2012. My thoughts turned to thinking about my deepest passion in life which is to teach and be a positive influence on my clients and students by giving them tools and strategies that help enhance their lives. 

I find that some people are clear about their vision, mission and purpose and most haven’t got a clue. Wouldn’t it make sense to get really clear about what you love to do and what you want to be? 

What is your dream? If you could do one thing to transform your life this year, find something you’re passionate about and become fully engaged in that activity. Your purpose and passion are your own. No one can impose themselves into your definition of happiness and success. So, what are your deepest desires? Let’s begin with a few simple (maybe not simple) questions to ask yourself over the next few days.  

  • I am passionate about what I’m doing in my career?
  • Do I engage in hobbies such as gardening, some kind of sport, cooking, or music that bring me joy?
  •  Am I passionate about my spiritual practices?
  • Am I excited to get up in the morning whether I jump out of bed or ease into the day?
  • Do I end my day with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude?
  • Am I clear about what brings me joy each day?   

As you answer these questions begin to think about the inner goal which is to be happy. The things that you might want may not bring you happiness because they may not connect back to what you are passionate about. 

Passion isn’t something that can be attained, it isn’t something somebody else has and you don’t. It’s within you. Passion is essential it keeps you alive, it is the energy of life flowing through you and it is necessary for you to reach your full potential. 

Open up to those things that you are passionate about and begin to believe in the beauty of your dreams.  

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Welcome 2012

As 2011 moves swiftly to a close, it might be tempting to think of all the things you have not yet completed this year. Perhaps you started off with a list of goals or intentions that would have taken years to accomplish. Maybe you didn’t get past the first week of January 2011 before you went back to some of your old habits. I invite you to take the next few days and reflect on your accomplishments, your spiritual growth and acknowledge yourself for the good that you have you have done throughout the year.
As you enter into 2012 use the law of attraction to make sure the intentions you set are fully realized. Instead of saying “this is too difficult” or “I can’t do this” or just “forgetting about it” start saying “I am doing this”.  Focus on your successes.  Feel the way fulfilling your intention makes you feel.  Start feeling this way even before accomplishing the goal.  Believe it’s already done. Send the message to the universe that you are a nonsmoker, that you’re healthy, or that you are being paid appropriately for the work you do.  Believe this, feel this, focus on this and the law of attraction will make it so.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Miracles Are Happening

The Christmas story is told year after year, we can depend on it. But listen closely this year; it is a story is filled with twists and turns. There are friends and enemies, a family in turmoil and an unbelievable journey. There is a strong and resourceful woman facing hardships beyond belief, there is an evil king, unsuspecting shepherds, wise men bringing gifts, farm animals, a bright shining star and there are many miracles.
This could be your story. The characters, hardships, irrational stories and signs of mystifying grace touch us all in some way or another. However,  during this season, we focus on the elements of the Christmas story that make us feel warm and cozy inside, a manger, a loving accepting husband, a virgin birth, a sweet little baby, a light coming into the world, a promise of peace on earth.
The message of Christmas is not in an angel’s proclamations; it is a message that is to be embodied, lived and not broadcasted only once a year.  Think about your difficult neighbor, an annoying co-worker, a self-absorbed friend or the craziness of war and the message gets lost.  It gets hurled back to the bright and shining star the Magi followed to bring the gifts of the spirit.
There are presents and promises within each of us, it is the divine spark; we only need look inside to see the miracle of the season.
Have a wonderful season of light and love and let's keep it going year round.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Time For Some Laughs!

I received this in my email today and thought it’s time to share a good belly laugh.  So here you go, the perfect stress reducer.
There's a story in China, about three famous monks. They would travel from place to place, every time they found a town, they would walk to the center of it, and simply begin laughing. They would laugh so uproariously, other people would also start laughing. Once the entire town had begun laughing with them, they would pack up, and move to the next. That was their sermon, they didn't use words and they didn't have to.
It's nice to see it still happens but not with monks, on mass transport! Check out the Berlin Laughter Project, no language barrier here.