Friday, December 23, 2011

Miracles Are Happening

The Christmas story is told year after year, we can depend on it. But listen closely this year; it is a story is filled with twists and turns. There are friends and enemies, a family in turmoil and an unbelievable journey. There is a strong and resourceful woman facing hardships beyond belief, there is an evil king, unsuspecting shepherds, wise men bringing gifts, farm animals, a bright shining star and there are many miracles.
This could be your story. The characters, hardships, irrational stories and signs of mystifying grace touch us all in some way or another. However,  during this season, we focus on the elements of the Christmas story that make us feel warm and cozy inside, a manger, a loving accepting husband, a virgin birth, a sweet little baby, a light coming into the world, a promise of peace on earth.
The message of Christmas is not in an angel’s proclamations; it is a message that is to be embodied, lived and not broadcasted only once a year.  Think about your difficult neighbor, an annoying co-worker, a self-absorbed friend or the craziness of war and the message gets lost.  It gets hurled back to the bright and shining star the Magi followed to bring the gifts of the spirit.
There are presents and promises within each of us, it is the divine spark; we only need look inside to see the miracle of the season.
Have a wonderful season of light and love and let's keep it going year round.

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