Saturday, December 3, 2011

Some Time for Reflection

What would your day look like if you took some time to be quiet?

I have what looks to be a cold, sore throat, runny nose, it's not enough to hold me down, but I'm just not my perky self. Yesterday after meeting with a client, I sat on the coach; the winter sun was streaming through the window, its healing rays warming the back of my neck and shoulders.  I felt at peace. I sat for a time doing absolutely nothing. I wasn't really thinking or meditating, there was no background music, I was just being and feeling really good. After a short time I went back to my routine refreshed and renewed.

When we go from one thing to another thinking that this has to be done or that has to be done we miss out on something that is much more important than our doing. In all the doing the being gets lost, we're not open to tapping into our inner guidance and we miss out on the benefits life has to offer. When we're quiet we see life through different eyes, our body is at rest and we are filled with a special kind of energy.

Taking time to be still will give you an opportunity to recharge your batteries and to come alive. Giving yourself a break in the middle of the day brings new life into your being, a transformation begins to take place and you are renewed and refreshed.

I invite you to take a break today and tomorrow and the next day. Just like you have to park the car to fill up the tank, stop your engine and be fully engaged in what your life is really about.

Make a great day.

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