Monday, December 12, 2011

Chocolate is Everywhere

Chocolate seems to be everywhere and one thing is for sure, I am a  lover of good chocolate, not the kind you find in the checkout line of the grocery store, really good chocolate. To me it's  soul food. However, I made an agreement with myself many years ago that if I wanted to indulge I would go out of my way to find that perfect little bite. The other day I was at a specialty shop and there were little tiny bits of chocolate at the counter for just 25 cents and of course I bought one. This tiny little bite was packed with flavor, I was almost delirious as it melted in my mouth. It was as if I were drinking a 25 dollar class of fine wine. I do love my chocolate!

Today I was at one of those large warehouse stores, the kind were you can sample tasty treats as you go along. The woman at the first stand I came to was giving out samples of chocolate! Of course I took one.  At another stand the woman was giving out "chocolate muffin tops" not the entire muffin just the top. As I sampled she proceeded to tell me how healthy this product was, how many Weight Watcher points, grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates. It all sounded really good but not good enough to take home.

As I maneuvered down the fruit isle I spotted a tall thin, rather good looking man, filling his basket with what else, but chocolate. His cart was over flowing with nothing but boxes of chocolate. I said, “I wish I were on your Christmas list”. He replied that he was diabetic and couldn’t have any of the candies, but liked to give them to other people.

I thought about that cart full of chocolates and how we go about giving gifts. I don’t know if he owned a business or was giving the gifts to friends and family. Then he could have been taking them to the homeless shelter, but it doesn’t matter. Gift giving is personal, whether we buy in bulk or find something that suits each recipient in a special way, it most surly comes from the heart.

Think about how you go about your gift giving this holiday season.  Then if you feel that chocolate is your soul food, indulge and give yourself a little gift.

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