Friday, December 16, 2011

The Get it Done Quotient

Wednesday I talked about the Stuff Quotient. Now how to we get through the day and the stuff without it seeming like our lives are out of control and there is more to do then time to do it?
We all work differently but not all of us work efficiently. I’ve noticed that for myself lately. I could blame it on the holidays or the noise from the workers in my building, but the truth is I let myself get distracted.
So here is a game plan to get on track.
     1.    At the start of the day I do my spiritual practices. Nothing is more important than to be available to Spirit.

2. Organize: Have my day organized by highlighting three or four of the most important things (MITs) I have to do and do them first.

3. Big Rocks: I have several big projects so it’s important to set aside time every day or week to move things forward.

4. Inbox: This can really get out of hand and suck up time. I’ve made a folder categorizing newsletters and other nonessentials and emails go directly into those folders. My inbox is now set up for essential emails. I decide what to do with the email the moment I read it. Is my in box empty? Not yet but I’m getting there.

5. Over and Out: If there is a big task to be done, do it first! That way it’s done.

     There are several more tips which I’ll continue on Monday. Send me some of yours and I’ll post them.

Make a great day!

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