Friday, October 14, 2011

Caught in a Web of Egoic Thoughts

I was giving thanks today for the many blessings I have in my life. Then in the middle of my gratitude practice a fear thought crept in. I realized that my ego was trying to protect a great idea that I was being grateful for. I was afraid people wouldn't like it or that somebody else would claim it for their own. I also realized that I was being a bit arrogant. It's my idea and I'm going to hold onto it. That arrogance was arising once again from ego.

In the past the fear would have caused me a great deal of pain and difficulty because I would have spun the story until I was caught in a web of my own deception. But I caught myself, had a little chat with my ego and released the fear.

Life doesn't need to be difficult, painful or restricted because of our resistance to modify our mental and emotional states of thinking, feeling and acting. When we take constructive action by observing our thoughts we enrich our lives so we can have wholesome experiences. We can experience a whole range of good from being in supportive and loving relationships, to experiencing prosperity to creating good health.

Next time you’re spinning out of control, stop yourself like you would stop a child from running out onto a busy street and ask the question; "How is this thought serving my highest good?"

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