Monday, October 24, 2011

Consider Your Choices!

Each day is a gift. As we open our eyes and stretch into it, we are given the opportunity to think a new thought about the life we desire. We have a choice to move through the day with purpose and to express our well-being or to sit on the sidelines and let life pass us by.

As you move through your day, consider each choice you make and if that choice doesn't feel right choose again. If the choices you make don't turn out exactly the way you thought they would, choose again. If you are feeling guilty or shameful about a particular choice, find that place of compassion in your heart and move through your challenge. Know that each juncture is a blessing and if we take responsibility for all our choices we are no longer the victim but the victor.

I invite you to look at the choices you've made in your life, good or "bad" and evaluate how that choice has gotten you to where you are. Bless each and every one of them and watch how your consciousness shifts.

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