Thursday, October 20, 2011

Your Personal Holy Grail

Are you looking for the Holy Grail of awakening?  Are you going from workshop to workshop, class to class, waiting for some scrap of wisdom to turn on the light bulb of your consciousness?  The Holy Grail isn’t out there to be found, it lies within you. It is filled with your deepest desires, it’s there waiting for you to discover and drink its sweet reward. The Holy Grail is your intuition.

You have the power to tap into your subconscious and get signals that guide you gently, or not, towards a path that supports you in your growth and unfoldment. This all happens before you are consciously aware that anything is happening. Whether you call it a gut feeling, a hunch or sixth sense, intuition offers a course of action without much rational thought. Your intuition can help you decide what you should embrace and what you should avoid long before you've had time to analyze the situation.

Your dreams and deepest desires come from that place as well. Sit in a quiet place and tap into the highest idea for a project you’re working on, your next career move or a relationship you’re in. Listen with an inner ear and see where it takes you.

Dream Big!

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