Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bad Potato!

Somewhere in my travels I heard a story about a woman who ordered a baked potato while out with her friends in one of those fancy New Jersey diners. When she got her order something didn't seem right. She called the waitress and said, "This potato is bad." The waitress picked up a knife and smacked the potato! Setting the knife down she said, "Let me know if that potato gives you any more trouble!"

Humans tend to categorize people, places and things as good or bad, but the truth is, that what is good for one person may not be good for another. When we say that such and such is bad, it becomes our reality, just try and get a five year old to eat cauliflower. The child's reality is that cauliflower is really, really bad and there isn't anything that will change his or her mind.

When we watch the news or read the newspaper you'd think the world was falling apart. Sure there are horrific stories that can be backed by facts. But more often than not, most of what we hear or read is someone's spin on a story. It's an opinion! How we perceive it is up to us.

Wayne Dyer said, "You feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good." There are many ways you can feel good in the midst of something you perceive as bad. Your day can go a little better because a stranger said a kind word to you, or because you found a kind word to say to a grocery store clerk who  is having a tough day. Your world can be right because you found a deep lesson in your pain or you let go of a situation that was holding you back. Your world is right because hidden in everything is the seed of perfection.

Whatever your mood today, whatever the circumstances, whether you are trying to balance your checkbook or shadowing despair,  find within yourself that seed of perfection. Now allow that seed to take hold in your consciousness and see how your life begins to turn around.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. I find when I focus on the good in my life my day goes better, I am happier and my relationships are better.
