Friday, November 11, 2011

The Kitchen Table Summit

Today is Veterans Day in the United States,  a day we honor those who have served in the Armed Forces. My father served in Germany in World War II. I have his dog tags and my mother has a plaque from the Battle of the Bulge. There are a few letters and other memorabilia, but dad forever kept the unspeakable memories locked within his soul.  

Tens of thousands of men and women have served in the military since then. The world has become smaller; we are now allies with former enemies and enemies with former allies. Today I'm thinking not only of those who served in the United States but of the men and women from other parts of the world who have answered the call to serve.

Twelve years after World War II ended, a German family moved into our comfy little neighborhood in Southern New Jersey. They had a daughter my age and we fast became friends. We didn't know our fathers were once fierce enemies; we were too young to know about a war that devastated millions of people's lives and we had no reference point.  The day came when our fathers sat down at our kitchen table. I don't know what they talked about, but my father realized and shared with me that they had the same concerns, the same fears. That day at the “Kitchen Table Summit,” they understood that there wasn't much difference between them, they both had shown courage and perseverance in the face of a great challenge and they both wanted to put it all behind them and live in peace.

In silent tribute, let’s pause and remember those, who in service to humankind, have sacrificed their lives and pray for goodwill and peace on earth as a lasting tribute to their sacrifice.

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