Monday, November 7, 2011

Zero Visibility

I woke up very early this morning; the world was dark and deliciously quiet, a calmness a came over me and everything just felt right. As the light slowly began to appear I noticed that it was very foggy outside my window and I could hardly see across the street. I turned on the news to see what the weather would be today and for the moment we were experiencing zero visibility.

As I drank my morning cup of tea, I thought about the areas of my life where I have had, or currently experience zero visibility. The reason may be that I either shut down my brain, my emotions, or because I am not paying attention to my environment.

When trying to navigate in zero visibility we shut down to the possibilities in our lives because we just can't see beyond the confines of living in a “zero visibility” world. There is no freedom of movement and we face a monochromatic existence where the vibrant colors of our lives are impossible to see.

What happens when the sun breaks through? The fog is lifted and the landscapes of our lives are no longer covered in a mist of bewilderment. We can then navigate through the clarity of our thoughts and emotions and begin to open up to the many possibilities that lay ahead.

Consider the areas in your life that are hidden in the fog of your perceptions and just for this moment, see where there is an opening, step into it and cherish the clarity your new found vision brings.


  1. I am learning to just keep moving through it, even when you are unable to see what is in front of you.

  2. In our minds tonight.
