Monday, November 14, 2011

But Wait, There's More!

Most of us have probably seen an infomercial or two when channel surfing late at night. What they have in common as they are enticing us to buy their product is the phrase, "But wait………..there's more!"

Hidden deep within each and every one of us are life-enhancing "products" that we can tap into to help others. Often we don't even know what gifts and talents we have to share and if we do we are sometimes shy about sharing them. The truth is that the more we tap onto our gifts and talents, the more we discover we have, it's as if there's a voice inside exclaiming, "But wait……. there's more!"

It’s important to understand that our gifts and talents are a blessing not only to ourselves but to other's. Think about what you have to offer. If this is a stretch find one thing that you’re good at and listen for the voice deep within you saying, "But wait, there's more."

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