Monday, November 21, 2011

Make a Great Holiday

The Thanksgiving holiday is right upon us. The Food Network is counting down the days until the turkey and all the fixings are on the table and friends and family are experiencing a gastronomical feast. Then Uncle Harry arrives and has had a little too much to drink with Aunt Gladys who has something to say about how inept you are in the kitchen. Your mood can change from I’m glad you’re here to I wish you were somewhere else!

Now, you could let the events that are happening around you dictate how you respond or how you react. You can make it a good day or make it a bad day. Whether it's a major holiday or everyday life you are free to create your own experiences and allow others to create theirs. However, I know in your heart that you want to make it a great day for everyone.

In order to create a comfortable space for everyone you could try the following.

1. Have Harry and Gladys genetically tested to make sure they are your relatives.
2. Set some ground rules. If there are hot topics asked beforehand that these topics not be discussed at the dinner table. Come up with some neutral topics and turn it into a game. If things get a little testy – ask, “What would Mother Theresa say about that?
3. Choose how you will respond. Instead of getting emotional take a breath and say something like, “I  hear you,” or don’t say anything at all.
4. If you need to, give yourself a break and go to another room or go and get some fresh air.
5. No matter how weird things get, see if there’s a way you can find some humor in the day. Turn your guests into cartoon characters. Goofy, Grumpy, etc. (be kind). You can be Lisa Simpson, with your sharp wit and sly observations of the situation.
6. Look for the positive in everything, it’s there believe me.
7. Keep saying out loud, “It’s a good day to be grateful.”

Stand firm in your conviction that you are creating a great day. See it; feel it and you will experience it, no matter what Uncle Harry and Aunt Gladys are up to.

Make a great day.

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